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Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Buhari resumes, meets Osinbajo in Aso Rock

John Ameh andOlalekan Adetayo  

President Muhammadu Buhari on Monday formally resumed work in his office after 49 days of medical sojourn in London, United Kingdom. Vice-President Yemi Osinbajo, who held the fort in acting capacity, met with the President in his office for over an hour, ostensibly to bring him up to date with developments that took place while he was away. The meeting which started at about 12noon ended at about 1.30pm. While returning from Buhari’s office, Osinbajo told State House correspondents that he had handed over to the President and had reverted to his role as the Vice-President. He said the President was ‘over-ready’ for the job ahead of him. The following conversation ensued between the Vice-President and the reporters: How is the President doing? He is very well. We just had a very long meeting. We were basically trying to bring the President up to speed with some of the things we have done while he was away. He has given a few directives on what we should be doing in so many areas: the North-East, budget, the economy, and a wide range of issues. Will you say he is ready for work? Yes. He held a meeting with me for over an hour where we discussed a wide range of issues. So, his readiness for work is not in doubt at all. In fact, he is ‘over-ready’. Have you handed power back to him? Oh, yes! I am back to my regular position as the Vice-President. Was he impressed with the way you handled the country while he was away? I think the President was reasonably satisfied. Some are saying because of his health, we will see a lot of delegation of duty, is that true? I think the President, as you know, has always given me several responsibilities. I think what we must recognise is that the way this administration works is that it has always been team work; very little is done without the President’s clearance. So, generally speaking, even with responsibilities that are my constitutional responsibilities, we have full discussions on them. We have full agreements on all of those issues. It is not necessarily delegation (of duties). Yes, in some cases, delegation (of duties) but by and large, practically I discuss fully with him and have his endorsement before we are able to go on and do anything at all. http://punchng.com/buhari-resumes-meets-osinbajo-in-aso-rock/

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